MR GUARD Update BL-1000 (Free)

- Set presense
- Enter/Leave room
- Normal kick
- Banned kick
- Ban/Unban
- Add/Delete mode
- Get list
- Kick all
- Kick+Ban all
- Protect all
- Black list
- Room chat
- PV/Group chat
- AutoLeave GC

+Useful Information:
- Auto Login if Disconnect
- U can login the army of kick, just double click the indicator colour
- For protect ID, double-click target, or select more target and then press ENTER key
- For delete protect ID, double-click on Protect ID list or click Delete All Protect
- Protect ID will be hidden in the spy list
- For kick, blog target list or CTRL + select target then right-click to kick. Don’t forget to check option for mode kick
- Kick all list room, don’t forget to protect your friends :p
- U can select target, check select target and you can kick, banned, unbanned, add mode and delete mode
- Auto refresh list room if user enter or left
- Can send text chat on the room, write then press ENTER key
- For Blacklist, write or click the list..then click blacklist, for multy, u just write multy ID without number series of multy, it number will auto-write. It can unlimited blacklist for random ID or 1000 blacklist for multy ID series. Double-click for remove Blacklist selected
- U can save your kick activity by click Log kick. Before close this APP, don’t forget to Log Kick for save your kick activity

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    by ujank_slanker


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